Application status and development trend of voltage transformer


The rise and development of intelligent power grid technology has put forward new requirements for voltage and current sensors in power system. Miniaturized non-contact sensors will be the mainstream and need. This paper summarizes the application status of traditional electromagnetic voltage transformers and capacitive voltage transformers, and points out their limitations. On the basis of introducing the D-dot measurement principle in high voltage pulse electrical measurement, an electronic voltage transformer based on self-integrating D-dot sensor is proposed, and it is pointed out that it will be the mainstream trend of voltage signal measurement in power system.

voltage transformer

At present, the rapid development of smart grid technology, it has become a major research topic in the development and reform of global energy, among which all kinds of electrical signal measurement technology and its sensor is the basis of the realization of smart grid monitoring, control, analysis and decision, but also the key to the development of smart grid. The accuracy, reliability, convenience and rapidity of the voltage transformer are the key technical requirements in electric energy measurement and relay protection, power system monitoring and diagnosis, and power system fault analysis.

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